Baby Ché and His Proud Dad

I think today was the most relaxing day I’ve had in many months. We had a lie-in until 09:00 and then drove up to St George’s Market in Belfast with Mrs P, Sophie and her country cousin, Fiona. Once I had got over paying £8.40 for two black coffees and two hot chocolates, I started to relax and had a wander around with my camera. I was particularly pleased with a shot I took of a chap called Al, who was holding his five month old baby, Ché Phoenix. I saw him standing halfway in and out of a glass fire door enjoying the cooler air and I liked the light, so I asked him if I could take the shot. Baby Ché’s parents, Al and Astra, run a stall selling books and they’re lovely people. Give them a visit, local readers!

Baby Ché Phoenix

Che II

St George’s Market takes place in a very old building which initially formed part of a much bigger market area. I’ve seen old pictures from the ’30s and ’40s showing lots of farm animals and farm produce for sale on a huge scale on the site across the road, which is now covered by various office buildings, and the local residential area is still known as The Markets. Here’s a shot I took one rainy night a few years ago: St George’s Market At Night

Anyway, here are a few more from today’s walkabout.



The Lady In Red



Lady II



The shot of the day was definitely Ché and his dad, for me. More snapping tomorrow, methinks!

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