The First Few Days

…seem to roll into one long period of naps and much wandering without purpose, but then that’s one of the reasons I’m here – to relax. I’ve noticed that I’ve no problem at all getting back to sleep should I wake up, as I’ve nowhere in particular to be… My plans are very loose!

One of the must-dos on my list was to visit Dandelion Chocolate in Kuramae. It is mentioned rightly in a number of articles on independent coffee shops that stand out. Dandelion buy and process their own chocolate on-site and it’s a sight to behold. I’ve only ever been to one other coffee shop attached to a factory of sorts and that was in Sydney, when friends brought me to a place in Balmain (I think!) which had a bakery on-site.


The staff kindly let me take a few pictures while I was there. It’s an impressive operation and the hot chocolate and chocolate oatmeal cookie I had, were outstanding. Well worth a visit if you’re in the area.

Yesterday evening (Wednesday), I went out for a walk down towards Akihabara. Sensibly, the Japanese work on their roads during the night and construction crews were everywhere. I spotted a very shiny truck parked and the front reflected the traffic lights behind me. An artistic thought struck me – doesn’t happen that often. I took this:

Driver! II

Then I noticed the driver having a doze in the cab:


He must have heard me clicking away because then I got this:

Driver! III

Nice friendly chap! More pictures from last night and today here:

Flickr Album



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