Looking Up

This is the first of two posts today. On Sunday evenings post-18:00, the city centre is fairly quiet, so my photo-walk was almost without human subjects. Having spent many, many hours walking around town, I am aware of the higher level beauty of some of the older buildings that have had their street level frontage gutted and modernised, and I think Belfast is much poorer for it. This first Art Deco building is in Ann Street and I am always attracted by the elephant head features at the top of the windows.


Look Up I

Almost opposite “Elephant House” is this alleyway. It, has various times, has been a shelter for homeless people and some of Belfast’s street drinkers use it as a lounge. On one occasion, I saw a transaction of some sort taking place between two shifty-looking characters. It looked almost innocent yesterday evening.

Avenues and Alleyways

Alley Life IV

My other “look up” is from High Street. Note the dragon gargoyle thingy from 1905!

Stone Dragon

Look Up II