Ninja Pics and Tired Cabbies

Just three shots today and all within two hundred yards of each other. That’s 200m in new money, btw. This flashly-dressed chap was impressing some young girl with his patter in Caffe Nero opposite the City Hall, oblivious to me and the Live View on my 60D. I quite liked the light in this one.

All The Patter

Ninja Boy


A cabbie grabbing a nap in situ. You can probably tell how warm and sticky it was today from this shot.

Hazy Dreams

Haze II


“Really, Savita, these crazy Westerners, running about in the sun. Have they no sense?”

Enjoying The Shade

Mad Westerners


That’s all folks!

Doing It Right

Mrs P permitted me some shore leave this evening so I decided on some “me time” and as I needed to call into work for a few minutes, I also went to Common Grounds for my evening snack. After that, I was again tempted by the setting sun on my way home, so I drove down to Marino to see what I could capture. Here’s are some of this evening’s results:

Doing It Right (Text added using the Over app for the iPad – love it!)



Yacht Club Sunset

Yacht Club II


Summer’s Here

Jetty I



Golden Evening

We’re experiencing some unusually beautiful weather here this week, and even as a hobby photographer, it is difficult to look at all that wonderful bright light through the front windows of work, knowing that I cannot get out to enjoy it. I have a huge amount of work on at the moment, coupled with my days off mostly being taken up with doctors/consultants/occupational therapist visits with Mrs P, so I was pleased to be able to finish at 21:00 yesterday evening and drive quickly (at legal speeds, of course) towards Holywood where the rickety pier juts out into Belfast Lough beside the Holywood Yacht Club.

I fired off a couple of shots before the sun went down.


Pier XI

Mrs P demanded my presence in the bedroom last night so I had to wait until this afternoon to post these. Breaking Bad was great 😉

The Picture That Proves the Idiom…

“You can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter” – Carrickfergus enjoying some evening sunbeams.

Beams VIII


When driving to work this morning around 06:30, I noticed two things. Firstly, the miles-long banks of fog coming over the Divis and Black Mountains and secondly, the huge liner docked in Belfast harbour. I fancied shooting both but hurried along to work like a good little worker bee.

Driving through Bangor this evening, I could see the liner on the horizon passing the Copeland Islands, so that was the end of that plan. I was blessed, however, with some really stormy, dark, ominous cloud formations and streaming sunbeams across the lough above Newtownabbey and Carrickfergus. In my shot, you can see the outline of Carrickfergus Castle, built by King John at the time of the Crusades. Here endeth the history lesson…

PS: I think that’s a Jimmy Carr quote.

One more before I go. This is from my photo walk in Belfast yesterday. The text was applied using an iPad/iPhone app called Over. It’s a lot of fun.
