Mixed Bag

I haven’t posted for a few days as I’ve been busy doing nothing very much, other than entertaining Sophie and her cousin, Fiona, who is staying with us for most of the summer. We’ve been at an ice hockey game (part of the World Police and Fire Games) in which the Reykjavik Somethings beat the Tornado Somethings, swimming, walking, ice creaming, etc. One of my favourite shots of the last few days was this one, which was taken “rinkside” at the ice hockey. It’s nothing special, but the score marks on the perspex wall and the action, just works for me.


Ice Hockey SML

Whenever Sophie, Fiona and I are out and about, they are absolutely mortified when I approach someone and ask them if I may take their photograph. Cue red faces and scurrying away into the distance. It’s a lot of fun. Given that this chap was a “boy”, even more so!

A Job In Marketing


The next three shots were taken at The Night Train event in St George’s Bar and Grill last night. My buddy Pete and his friend Colin, DJ a night of acid jazz, soul, mod and funk music, and musically it’s quite an education for me. I’m still stuck on my old favourites Van Morrison, Barry White and Stevie Wonder! Anyway, this was my third outing as unofficial photographer and it was a lot of fun. They’re good people, as they say. There’s a link at the bottom of this post to all of The Night Train photos along with a link to today’s Blipfoto shot, which was taken yesterday evening at another pal, Scott’s weekly jazz session in McHugh’s, Belfast.

Steve And Jack III

Maroon II

Tecnics I

Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom. Here’s the The Night Train Flickr link: The Night Train,

And here’s today’s Blipfoto shot: Downtime

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